New Hope Reformed Fellowship Church

 Adult Bible Study

  • We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month @7:00PM
  • We meet at 9750 W. M179 Highway, Middleville, MI
  • We are studying the Book of Haggai
  • We invite you to our Bible Study

Adult Sunday School

  • Our Sunday School classes meet after the Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • Adult classes are for post high school


  • Our Catechism classes meet after the Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • Classes are for Elementary School (1st grade through 4th), Middle School (5th grade through 8th) and High School 

Sermon Audios

  • Audios of our sermons are available on our website for your listening enjoyment.  We plan on keeping a representative selection of some our past speakers and Heidelberg Catechism sermons on the website.
  • Utilize this feature if you are unable to attend a worship service or just want to re-listen to a sermon.  We are sure you will receive a blessing from listening to any of these posted sermons either for the first time or again.



John 14:6

And Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."